Without Successful Credentialing, Reimbursements Of A Medical Practice Can Be Delayed Or Even Denied. It's A Long Cumbersome Process But We Can Take The Burden Of This Weighty Task From Physician Practices And Make It Fast, Smooth And Easier With Our Expertise.
With automated processes, and cloud enabled technologies, we are offering a smarter physician credentialing service.
A team of expert credentialing specialists and consultants has been providing centralized credentialing service to practices.
Our experts double check each document for accuracy which reduces any delays caused by an incomplete dossier.
We maintain a checklist of documents, important dates, and properly follow up every application to keep track of the process.
We collect all the required documents including educational certificates, experience, current CV, state licensure information and current address.
All the payers and insurance companies crosscheck your credentials with CAQH database. So, we make sure that your information with CAQH is up-to-date.
We keep track of the application progress with a comprehensive checklist of dates, in order to make sure that you get enrolled without any delay.
Our credentialing experts will help you register with CAQH by filing your details, reviewing it and attesting its accuracy.
Medicare enrollment for physician practice groups, laboratories, paramedics, hospitals and large volume of applicants.
Giving physicians a nationwide identity by helping them register with the National Provider Identifier (NPI).
We manage all types of credentialing including commercial and government payers and keep your information updated.
We provide physicians, assistants, nurses, or any other healthcare provider the fastest way to enroll with Medicare.
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